Source code for aquarel.theme

from typing import Union, Optional, List
from cycler import cycler
import matplotlib as mpl
import warnings
import json
from .transforms import *

def _wrap_list_arg(arg):
    if arg is None:
        return arg
    if type(arg) == list:
        return arg
        return [arg]

[docs]class Theme: # Options for axis drawing _axis_options = ["both", "x", "y"] # Options for locations _location_options = ["left", "right", "bottom", "top", "center"] # Options for horizontal alignment _horizontal_alignment_options = [ "center", "right", "left", ] # Options for vertical alignment _vertical_alignment_options = [ "center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline", ] # Options for directions _direction_options = ["in", "out", "inout"] # Options for ticks _tick_options = ["major", "minor", "both"] # Optiosn for line styles _line_style_options = ["-", "--", "-.", ":", ""] # Options for font size _font_size_options = [ "xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large", ] # Options for font family _font_family_options = ["serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"] # Options for font style _font_style_options = ["normal", "roman", "italic", "oblique"] # Options for font variants. _font_variant_options = ["normal", "small-caps"] # Options for font weights _font_weight_options = [ "ultralight", "light", "normal", "regular", "book", "medium", "roman", "semibold", "demibold", "demi", "bold", "heavy", "extra bold", "black", ] # Mapping from aquarely keys to transform functions _transform_mapping = { "trim": trim, "offset": offset, "rotate_xlabel": rotate_xlabel, "rotate_ylabel": rotate_ylabel, } _legend_location_options = [ 'best', 'upper right', 'upper left', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center' ] # Mapping from aquarel keys to matplotlib rcparams _rcparams_mapping = { "title": { "location": ["axes.titlelocation"], "pad": ["axes.titlepad"], "size": ["axes.titlesize"], "weight": ["axes.titleweight"], }, "grid": { "draw": ["polaraxes.grid", "axes.grid", "axes3d.grid"], "axis": ["axes.grid.axis"], "ticks": ["axes.grid.which"], "alpha": ["grid.alpha"], "style": ["grid.linestyle"], "width": ["grid.linewidth"], }, "lines": { "style": ["lines.linestyle"], "width": ["lines.linewidth"] }, "fonts": { "family": [""], "cursive": ["font.cursive"], "fantasy": ["font.fantasy"], "monospace": ["font.monospace"], "sans-serif": ["font.sans-serif"], "serif": ["font.serif"], "size": ["font.size"], "style": [""], "variant": ["font.variant"], "weight": ["font.weight"], }, "colors": { "figure_background_color": ["figure.facecolor"], "plot_background_color": ["axes.facecolor"], "axes_color": ["axes.edgecolor", "figure.edgecolor"], "line_color": [ "boxplot.flierprops.color", "boxplot.flierprops.markeredgecolor", "boxplot.whiskerprops.color", "boxplot.boxprops.color", "boxplot.capprops.color", "boxplot.capprops.color", "boxplot.medianprops.color", "boxplot.meanprops.color", "boxplot.meanprops.markerfacecolor", "boxplot.meanprops.markeredgecolor", ], "text_color": ["text.color", "axes.titlecolor", "axes.labelcolor"], "grid_color": ["grid.color"], "tick_color": ["xtick.color", "ytick.color"], "tick_label_color": ["xtick.labelcolor", "ytick.labelcolor"], "legend_background_color": ["legend.facecolor"], "legend_border_color": ["legend.edgecolor"], "axes_label_color": ["axes.labelcolor"], "palette": "axes.prop_cycle", # This should be just a string unlike others, otherwise set_color(palette=...) won't work. }, "axes": { "width": ["axes.linewidth"], "bottom": ["axes.spines.bottom"], "left": ["axes.spines.left"], "right": ["axes.spines.right"], "top": [""], "xmargin": ["axes.xmargin"], "ymargin": ["axes.ymargin"], "zmargin": ["axes.zmargin"], }, "ticks": { "x_align": ["xtick.alignment"], "y_align": ["ytick.alignment"], "direction": ["xtick.direction", "ytick.direction"], "draw_minor": ["xtick.minor.visible", "ytick.minor.visible"], "width_minor": ["xtick.minor.width", "ytick.minor.width"], "width_major": ["xtick.major.width", "ytick.major.width"], "size_minor": ["xtick.minor.size", "ytick.minor.size"], "size_major": ["xtick.major.size", "ytick.major.size"], "pad_major": ["xtick.major.pad", "ytick.major.pad"], "pad_minor": ["xtick.minor.pad", "ytick.minor.pad"], }, "axis_labels": { "pad": ["axes.labelpad"], "size": ["axes.labelsize"], "weight": ["axes.labelweight"], }, "tick_labels": { "location": ["xaxis.labellocation", "yaxis.labellocation"], "size": ["xtick.labelsize", "ytick.labelsize"], "bottom": ["xtick.labelbottom"], "top": ["xtick.labeltop"], "left": ["ytick.labelleft"], "right": ["ytick.labelright"], }, "legend": { "location": ["legend.loc"], "round": ["legend.fancybox"], "shadow": ["legend.shadow"], "title_size": ["legend.title_fontsize"], "text_size": ["legend.fontsize"], "alpha": ["legend.framealpha"], "marker_scale": ["legend.markerscale"], "padding": ["legend.borderpad"], "margin": ["legend.borderaxespad"], "spacing": ["legend.handletextpad", "legend.labelspacing"] } } def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None): = {} if name is not None:["name"] = name else:["name"] = "Untitled" if description is not None:["description"] = description else:["description"] = "No description available." self.params = {} self.overrides = {} self.transforms = {} def __str__(self): """Renders theme as JSON string""" return json.dumps( { "info":, "params": self.params, "overrides": self.overrides, "transforms": self.transforms, }, indent=4, ) def __enter__(self): # Save current state self.rcparams_orig = mpl.rcParams # Apply desired state self.apply() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", mpl.cbook.MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) mpl.rcParams.update(self.rcparams_orig) self.apply_transforms() def _update_params(self, param_key, value_dict): """ Updates the parameters of the theme. :param param_key: the parameter key to modify :param value_dict: the value dict to update the parameter key with """ # Filter unset attributes and attributes not in the base style template value_dict = dict( filter( lambda x: (x[0] in self._rcparams_mapping[param_key].keys()) and (x[1] is not None), value_dict.items(), ) ) # Overwrite parameters with supplied values if param_key in self.params.keys(): # Update existing options if already specified self.params[param_key].update(value_dict) else: # Add new options if previously unspecified self.params[param_key] = value_dict def _update_transforms(self, value_dict): """ Updates the transforms of the theme. :param value_dict: dictionary of transform names and args """ # Filter unset attributes and attributes not in the base transform template transforms = dict( filter( lambda x: (x[0] in self._transform_mapping.keys()) and (x[1] is not None), value_dict.items(), ) ) self.transforms = transforms
[docs] def save(self, path: str): """ Write the template to a JSON template file :param path: file to write the template to """ with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump( { "info":, "params": self.params, "overrides": self.overrides, "transforms": self.transforms, }, f, indent=4, )
[docs] def apply(self): """ Applies the theme """ # Clear current state mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) # Apply desired state for top_key in self.params.keys(): for key, value in self.params[top_key].items(): mapped_key = self._rcparams_mapping[top_key][key] if type(mapped_key) == list: for sub_key in mapped_key: # Special treatment for color palette, as this is otherwise not JSON serializable if mapped_key == "axes.prop_cycle": value = cycler("color", value) mpl.rcParams.update({sub_key: value}) else: # Special treatment for color palette, as this is otherwise not JSON serializable if mapped_key == "axes.prop_cycle": value = cycler("color", value) mpl.rcParams.update({mapped_key: value}) if self.overrides is not None: mpl.rcParams.update(self.overrides)
[docs] def apply_transforms(self): """ Applies the themes' transforms """ for transform, args in self.transforms.items(): self._transform_mapping[transform](**args)
[docs] def set_transforms( self, trim: Optional[bool] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, rotate_xlabel: Optional[int] = None, rotate_ylabel: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Set the transforms :param trim: trims the axes to the nearest major tick, can be {"x", "y", "both"} :param offset: offset shift of the axes in pt. Applies to all axes :param rotate_xlabel: rotation of x-axis labels in degrees :param rotate_ylabel: rotation of y-axis labels in degrees :param log_axes: set log scale for the specified axes, can be {'both', 'x', 'y'} :return: self """ self._update_transforms( { "trim": {"axis": trim} if trim in self._axis_options else None, "offset": {"distance": offset} if offset is not None else None, "rotate_xlabel": {"degrees": rotate_xlabel} if rotate_xlabel is not None else None, "rotate_ylabel": {"degrees": rotate_ylabel} if rotate_ylabel is not None else None, } ) return self
[docs] def set_overrides(self, rc: dict): """ Set custom overrides of rcparam parameters directly :param rc: Dict of valid matplotlib rcparams :return: self """ self.overrides = rc return self
[docs] def set_title( self, location: Optional[str] = None, size: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, weight: Optional[Union[float, int, str]] = None, pad: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Sets title styling options. :param location: the location of the title, one of {left, right, center} default: 'center' :param pad: pad between axes and title in pt, default: 6.0 :param size: the font size of the title, float or one of {'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'}, default: 'large' :param weight: the font weight of the title, int in range 0-1000 or one of {'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black'}, default: "normal" :return: self """ self._update_params( "title", { "location": location if location in self._horizontal_alignment_options else None, "pad": pad, "size": size if (size in self._font_size_options or type(size) == float) else None, "weight": weight if weight in self._font_weight_options else None, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_grid( self, draw: Optional[bool] = None, axis: Optional[str] = None, ticks: Optional[str] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, style: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Set grid styling options. :param draw: True if grid should be drawn, False otherwise, default: False :param axis: axes along which the grid should be drawn, can be {"both", "x", "y"}, default: "both" :param ticks: which tick level to base the grid on, can be {"major", "minor", "both"}, default: "major" :param alpha: the alpha level to draw the grid with, can be float between 0 and 1, default: 1.0 :param style: the line style to draw the grid with, can be {"-", "--", "-.", ":", ""}, default: "-" :param width: the line width to draw the grid with in pt, default: 0.8 :return: self """ self._update_params( "grid", { "draw": draw, "axis": axis if axis in self._axis_options else None, "ticks": ticks if ticks in self._tick_options else None, "alpha": alpha, "style": style if style in self._line_style_options else None, "width": width, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_axes( self, width: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, top: Optional[bool] = None, bottom: Optional[bool] = None, left: Optional[bool] = None, right: Optional[bool] = None, xmargin: Optional[float] = None, ymargin: Optional[float] = None, zmargin: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Set axis styling options :param width: axis line width, default: 1.0 :param top: display top axis, default: True :param bottom: display bottom axis, default: True :param left: display left axis, default: True :param right: display right axis, default: True :param xmargin: padding added to the x-axis, expressed as margin times the data interval, default: 0.05 :param ymargin: padding added to the y-axis, expressed as margin times the data interval, default: 0.05 :param zmargin: padding added to the z-axis, expressed as margin times the data interval, default: 0.05 :return: self """ self._update_params( "axes", { "width": width, "bottom": bottom, "top": top, "left": left, "right": right, "xmargin": xmargin, "ymargin": ymargin, "zmargin": zmargin, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_color( self, palette: Optional[List[str]] = None, figure_background_color: Optional[str] = None, plot_background_color: Optional[str] = None, text_color: Optional[str] = None, axes_color: Optional[str] = None, axes_label_color: Optional[str] = None, line_color: Optional[str] = None, grid_color: Optional[str] = None, tick_color: Optional[str] = None, tick_label_color: Optional[str] = None, legend_background_color: Optional[str] = None, legend_border_color: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Sets color options. :param palette: The color palette to cycle through for plot elements, should be list of valid color arguments :param figure_background_color: the background color of the whole figure :param plot_background_color: the background color of the plot only :param text_color: color of text elements (plot title, axis title) :param axes_color: the color of the axis lines :param axes_label_color: the color of the axis labels :param line_color: the line color :param grid_color: the color of the grid lines :param tick_color: the color of the ticks :param tick_label_color: the color of the tick labels :param legend_border_color: color of the legend border :param legend_background_color: color of the legend background :return: self """ self._update_params( "colors", { "figure_background_color": figure_background_color, "plot_background_color": plot_background_color, "text_color": text_color, "axes_color": axes_color, "line_color": line_color, "grid_color": grid_color, "tick_color": tick_color, "tick_label_color": tick_label_color, "axes_label_color": axes_label_color, "legend_background_color": legend_background_color, "legend_border_color": legend_border_color, "palette": palette, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_axis_labels( self, pad: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, weight: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Set axis label styling options. :param pad: padding of the axis label :param size: font size of the axis label, can be {"xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large"}, default: "medium" :param weight: font weight of the axis label, can be {"ultralight", "light", "normal", "regular", "book", "medium", "roman", "semibold", "demibold", "demi", "bold", "heavy", "extra bold", "black"}, default: "normal" :return: self """ self._update_params( "axis_labels", { "pad": pad, "size": size if size in self._font_size_options else None, "weight": weight if weight in self._font_weight_options else None, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_tick_labels( self, location: str = None, size: str = None, left: bool = None, right: bool = None, bottom: bool = None, top: bool = None, ): """ Set tick label styling options. :param location: location of the tick labels, can be {"left", "right", "bottom", "top", "center"}, default: center :param size: size of the tick label, can be {"xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large"}, default: "normal" :param left: whether to draw the tick labels to the left of the y-axis, default: True :param right: whether to draw the tick labels to the right of the y-axis, default: False :param bottom: whether to draw the tick labels at the bottom of the x-axis, default: True :param top: whether to draw the tick labels at the top of the x-axis, default: False :return: self """ self._update_params( "tick_labels", { "location": location if location in self._location_options else None, "size": size if size in self._font_size_options else None, "left": left, "right": right, "bottom": bottom, "top": top, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_ticks( self, x_align: Optional[str] = None, y_align: Optional[str] = None, direction: Optional[str] = None, draw_minor: Optional[bool] = None, width_major: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, width_minor: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, size_major: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, size_minor: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, pad_major: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, pad_minor: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, ): """ Set styling options for ticks. :param x_align: alignment of ticks along the horizontal axes, can be {"center", "right", "left"}, default: "center" :param y_align: alignment of ticks along the vertical axes, can be {"center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"}, default: "center_baseline" :param direction: direction the ticks should be facing, can be {"in", "out", "inout"}, default: "out" :param draw_minor: whether to draw minor ticks, default: False :param width_major: width of major ticks in pt, default: 0.8 :param width_minor: width of minor ticks in pt, default: 0.6 :param size_major: size of major ticks in pt, default: 3.5 :param size_minor: size of minor ticks in pt, default: 2 :param pad_major: padding of major ticks in pt, default: 3.5 :param pad_minor: padding of minor ticks in pt, default: 3.4 :return: self """ self._update_params( "ticks", { "x_align": x_align if x_align in self._horizontal_alignment_options else None, "y_align": y_align if y_align in self._vertical_alignment_options else None, "direction": direction if direction in self._direction_options else None, "draw_minor": draw_minor, "width_major": width_major, "width_minor": width_minor, "size_major": size_major, "size_minor": size_minor, "pad_major": pad_major, "pad_minor": pad_minor, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_lines(self, style: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[float] = None): """ Set line styling options. :param style: the style to draw lines with, can be {"-", "--", "-.", ":", ""}, default: "-" :param width: the width to draw lines with in pt, default: 1.5 :return: self """ self._update_params( "lines", { "style": style if style in self._line_style_options else None, "width": width, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_font( self, family: Optional[str] = None, cursive: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, fantasy: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, monospace: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, sans_serif: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, serif: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, size: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, style: Optional[str] = None, variant: Optional[str] = None, weight: Optional[Union[float, int, str]] = None, ): """ Set font styling options. :param family: font family to use, can be {}, default: sans-serif :param cursive: which font(s) to use for cursive text :param fantasy: which font(s) to use for fantasy text :param monospace: which font(s) to use for monospace text :param sans_serif: which font(s) to use for sans-serif text :param serif: which font(s) to use for serif text :param size: base font size in pt that all other elements scale relative to, default: 10.0 :param style: font style, can be {"normal", "roman", "italic", "oblique"}, default: normal :param variant: font variant, can be {"normal", "small-caps"}, default: normal :param weight: font weight, can be {"ultralight", "light", "normal", "regular", "book", "medium", "roman", "semibold", "demibold", "demi", "bold", "heavy", "extra bold", "black"}, default: normal :return: self """ self._update_params( "fonts", { "family": family if family in self._font_family_options else None, "cursive": _wrap_list_arg(cursive), "fantasy": _wrap_list_arg(fantasy), "monospace": _wrap_list_arg(monospace), "sans-serif": _wrap_list_arg(sans_serif), "serif": _wrap_list_arg(serif), "size": size if (type(size) == float or type(size) == int) else None, "style": style if style in self._font_style_options else None, "variant": variant if variant in self._font_variant_options else None, "weight": weight if weight in self._font_weight_options else None, }, ) return self
[docs] def set_legend( self, location: Optional[str] = None, round: Optional[bool] = None, shadow: Optional[bool] = None, title_size: Optional[str] = None, text_size: Optional[str] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, marker_scale: Optional[float] = None, padding: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, margin: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, spacing: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None ): """ Set legend styling options. :param location: The location of the legend. Can be {'best', 'upper right', 'upper left', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center'} or a 2-tuple giving the coordinates of the lower-left corner. Default: 'best' :param round: indicates if legend corners should be rounded or rectangular. Default: True :param shadow: indicates if the legend should cast a shadow. Default: False :param title_size: font size of the legend title, can be {"xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large"}, default: "medium" :param text_size: font size of the legend title, can be {"xx-small", "x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large"}, default: "medium" :param alpha: transparency of the legend patch. :param marker_scale: the relative size of legend markers. Default: 1.0 :param padding: space between legend border and legend content in pt. Default: 0.4 :param margin: space between legend border and axes in pt. Default: 0.5 :param spacing: spacing of legend elements in pt. Default: 0.5 :return: self """ self._update_params( "legend", { "location": location if (location in self._legend_location_options) or type(location) == tuple else None, "round": round, "shadow": shadow, "title_size": title_size if title_size in self._font_size_options else None, "text_size": text_size if text_size in self._font_size_options else None, "alpha": alpha, "marker_scale": marker_scale, "padding": padding, "margin": margin, "spacing": spacing } ) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: str): """ Initialize a theme from a theme file :param filename: file to load theme dictionary from :return: cls """ with open(filename, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return cls.from_dict(data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """ Initialize a theme from a dictionary :param data: theme dictionary to initialize from :return: cls """ c = cls() setattr( c, "info", data["info"] if "info" in data.keys() else {"name": "Untitled", "description": "No description available."}, ) setattr(c, "params", data["params"] if "params" in data.keys() else {}) setattr(c, "overrides", data["overrides"] if "overrides" in data.keys() else {}) setattr( c, "transforms", data["transforms"] if "transforms" in data.keys() else {} ) return c