Source code for aquarel.transforms

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]def rotate_ylabel(degrees: int): """ Rotates the y-labels of the current plot. :param degrees: rotation in degrees """ axes = plt.gcf().axes for ax_i in axes: ax_i.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=degrees)
[docs]def rotate_xlabel(degrees: int): """ Rotates the x-labels of the current plot. :param degrees: rotation in degrees """ axes = plt.gcf().axes for ax_i in axes: ax_i.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=degrees)
[docs]def offset(distance: int): """ Offsets the plot spines. Code partly taken from :param distance: offset distance int pt. """ axes = plt.gcf().axes for ax_i in axes: for side in ["top", "right", "left", "bottom"]: ax_i.spines[side].set_position(("outward", distance))
[docs]def trim(axis: str): """ Trims axes of a plot to first and last major tick. Code partly taken from :param axis: axes to apply the trim to. Can be {"x", "y", "both"}. """ # Apply trim to all axes for ax_i in plt.gcf().axes: if axis in ["x", "both"]: # Trim x direction (bottom and top) xticks_major = np.asarray(ax_i.get_xticks(minor=False)) xticks = np.asarray(ax_i.get_xticks(minor=True)) if xticks.size: # Get first and last major ticks firsttick = np.compress( xticks_major >= min(ax_i.get_xlim()), xticks_major )[0] lasttick = np.compress( xticks_major <= max(ax_i.get_xlim()), xticks_major )[-1] # Trim spines to tick range ax_i.spines["bottom"].set_bounds(firsttick, lasttick) ax_i.spines["top"].set_bounds(firsttick, lasttick) # Update tick values for both minor and major ticks xticks = xticks.compress(xticks <= lasttick) xticks = xticks.compress(xticks >= firsttick) ax_i.set_xticks(xticks, minor=True) if axis in ["y", "both"]: # Trim y direction (left and right) yticks_major = np.asarray(ax_i.get_yticks(minor=False)) yticks = np.asarray(ax_i.get_yticks(minor=True)) if yticks.size: # Get first and last major ticks firsttick = np.compress( yticks_major >= min(ax_i.get_ylim()), yticks_major )[0] lasttick = np.compress( yticks_major <= max(ax_i.get_ylim()), yticks_major )[-1] # Trim spines to tick range ax_i.spines["left"].set_bounds(firsttick, lasttick) ax_i.spines["right"].set_bounds(firsttick, lasttick) # Update tick values newticks = yticks.compress(yticks <= lasttick) newticks = newticks.compress(newticks >= firsttick) ax_i.set_yticks(newticks, minor=True)